सांता क्लॉज स्तव:

ख्रिस्तस्य देवपुत्रस्य जन्मोत्साहे सुपर्वणि |
ग्रामं ग्रामं प्रयात्येष: सांता क्लॉज निकोलस: ||१||

: During the enchanted, festive season of Christmas, Saint Nicholas/Santa Claus embarks on his journey and visits every village and town across the globe.

इतालीयोऽपि यो विश्वे सर्वभू: सर्वगोचर: |
बालानां सुखमोदार्थं नानादेहप्रवेशकृत् ||२||
: He, having hailed from Italy, is omnipresent and embodies himself in different forms to please the children.

लम्बोदरो मृगरथ: युरोपऋषिसत्तम: |
उत्तरध्रुववासोऽयं विविधोपायनप्रद: ||३||
:Santa Claus, one of the greatest saints of the Europe, is the bestower of several gifts. He who's abode is located on the North pole, has a large protuberant belly. He rides the chariot pulled by reindeers.

श्वेतश्मश्रु: श्वेतवर्ण: श्वेतभ्रु: श्वेतलोचन: |
रक्तवासानुरक्तश्च सोऽयं रक्तशिरस्त्रधृक् ||४||
He has a long white beard, fair pale complexion, white eyebrows and white eyes. He loves red costumes and covers his head with a red hat.

चाकलेहं क्रीडनकं नानारससुपिष्टकम् |
स्वादिष्टमन्नं सुरसं ददाति करुणाघन: ||५||
: He, being the most gracious of all, extends the pleasure by distributing chocolates, toys, delicious cakes and succulent scrumptious food.

साधूनां ज्ञानदातारं ख्रिस्तसन्देशवाहिनम् |
आत्मानन्दरतं नित्यं सांता क्लॉजं नमाम्यहम् ||६||
: I bow down before Santa Claus, who enjoys the bliss within and spreads the message of Jesus the Christ by departing the divine knowledge to the wise people.

ख्रिस्तस्य करुणा यस्मिन्मातृभावस्तथैव च|
राजते बुद्धरूपं तं सांता क्लॉजमुपास्महे ||७||
: We pay the homage to the Santa Claus, the enlightened one, who exhibits the motherly compassion of the Christ.

सांताक्लॉजस्तवं नित्यं ख्रिस्तजन्मोत्सवे जन: |
य: पठेत् स्नेहबुद्ध्या स: सांता क्लॉजप्रियो भवेत् ||८||
: He, who chants this hymn of Santa Claus during the festive season of Christmas, receives the love from Santa Claus.
Hemant Rajopadhye
Merry Christmas


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